Wield Your Magic,

Enchant Your Life.

We’re changing my life.
— Danika Danker

Ever experienced magic?

Felt the awe, enthusiasm, excitement, exuberance, disbelief, surprise, delight... magic of:

  • The possibility of being invited to a school of witchcraft and wizardry?

  • Seeing the castle?

  • Reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie again and again?

  • Making it to the peak of the mountain?

  • Your favorite hobby?

  • Your favorite person?

  • Your favorite place?

Me too.

And for the longest time…

I thought the magic could only exist in those moments. That I had to keep seeking and searching it out.

Then, I learned a secret about my mind.

All of our feelings are caused by our thoughts. The magic I felt was not caused by what was going on outside of me, but instead by what I was making it mean. My thoughts are the wellsprings of my magic.

Since then, I have been using my wellsprings to enchant my fandoms and my everyday life even more.

I’m inviting you to do the same.

Hi! My name is Caitlin Fader and I’m your fairy godmother.

I believe each person's magic matters and we contribute more imagination, creativity, and joy to the world when we can grow our own. Like any process of growth, sometimes we need some support.

I created Fairy Godmother Coaching to provide this support.

I offer fun immersive fairy tale experiences that use tools from life coaching as well as research about neuromagic, awe, story, play, and learning to help fantasy fans and magic seekers find their wellsprings of magic so they can understand them and wield them to enchant their fandoms and their lives.